Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Day 6 - Eastwood metro park -- kayaking and hiking

Today at the Eastwood metro park, you could actually feel life buzzing around. You could see birds everywhere, with chimney swifts flying around while you hear almost 5 different types of birds at once. You could taste the dew in the air, and while cold and humid, every breath you took you felt as if you were one with the plants, the animals and bugs around you. You were all experiencing the same things, and all sharing the same air. When you touched the trees and plants around you, you could feel the soft wetness of the leaves, and the wetness of everything intensified the smell you experienced. It was a refreshing experience, and it inspired me to write about nature and how nature feels to me.
Picture of a blooming flower

 Imagine yourself standing inside of your room. Now, instead of thinking of yourself in your room, think of yourself inside of your house. But you aren't just standing in your house either, you're standing on earth. You're true home. Often you don't truly realize this until you understand that all life on earth is equally as precious. You get to see things you didn't see before, like the daddy long legs crawling on the leaves of a poison ivy leaf, or that there are birds above you chirping gracefully and enthusiastically. 

You get to understand that this whole world is a part of the tree of life. But not above the ground, no, life is just the roots of the tree. The roots of the tree supply the base of the tree with beauty and elegance and you get to understand that all of this beauty that is expressed by all of nature creates the tree of life. Without every living being, every individual species, the tree would be very dull, very thin. The relationships of animals and the creations of man have all helped this tree grow into something marvelous. Many people don't see this tree of life, and it is a great shame.

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